Thursday, March 18, 2010

Increasing Distance (not speed)

So my distance is beginning to increase. I'm up to 6 miles. Went to the PT last week and he worked on my ankle quite a bit. I had run right before going intentionally so that I could remember what "happens" while I'm running. It had been a cold run along the river front from the River Market in Kansas City.

My PT said I "was a lot of work" - like I haven't heard that before! He also worked on my fibula. It seems that it gets stuck and that also causes me some trouble. He used e-stem on the area slightly behind the leg just above and below the knee. As it pulsed it would make my foot curl to the inside. It was WEIRD but apparently worked. I ran 6 miles on Friday with no issues! Then 3 more on Saturday.

Tuesday was another 6 miles around Kansas City with Koach. I do love running with him. He keeps me at a decent pace (for me) and pushes me when I need it. I also love running in urban areas and get to do so with him. We ran out of the River Market into the West Bottoms. After learning the road out that ran along side Kemper Arena no longer exists, we cut through the parking lot and then into a neighborhood on a hill. To get there we had to go up a relatively steep flight of stairs! It's an adventure to run with him - something I don't get to do in my surburban neighborhood. As a girl I probably wouldn't run those areas by myself and besides, it way more fun to explore with someone!

So the taping seems to be working and my endurance for distance is increasing. Now I just need to get some speed back!


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